Gate Entry

What is Gate Entry?

Gate entry serves as the primary step in the inwarding process, involving the recording and tracking of cartons or boxes containing procured goods as they enter the warehouse premises. This occurs at the security gateway, acting as an acknowledgment of the shipment's receipt.

Information of Gate Entry

Following information is captured at the time of gate entry:

  1. Supplier Information: Name and contact details of the supplier delivering the goods.
  2. Date and Time: The date and time of the shipments' arrival at the warehouse.
  3. Vehicle Details: Information about the transporting vehicle, including the license plate number, and driver details.
  4. Shipping Documents: Details from the accompanying shipping documents, such as the invoice, waybill, etc.
  5. Purchase Order Reference: Reference to the corresponding purchase order number against which the goods are being delivered.
  6. Gate Entry Number: A unique identifier or gate entry number assigned to the transaction for tracking purposes.
  7. Notations or Comments: Any additional notes or comments relevant to the gate entry, including discrepancies or issues that need attention.

Key benefits of Gate Entry

  • Real-time Visibility: By recording details at the point of entry, gate entry provides real-time visibility into the arrival of shipments. This information is valuable for decision-making and planning within the warehouse.
  • Security and Authorization: Gate entry acts as a security checkpoint, allowing only authorized shipments to enter the warehouse premises. This helps prevent unauthorized access and enhances overall warehouse security.
  • Timely Notification: The gate entry process facilitates timely notification to relevant departments within the warehouse, such as receiving, inventory management, and quality control. This ensures prompt handling of incoming goods.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: With an estimated information about incoming goods, warehouse managers can optimize resource allocation, including labor and equipment, based on the volume and nature of arriving shipments.